In other words Rahu Kaal varies from place to place and from day to day. Even for one location Rahu Kaal timing and duration are not same for all days as sunrise and sunset timings keep changing throughout the year. Rahu Kaal timings and duration are not same for any two locations due to difference in local timings of sunrise and sunset. Eight segments of the day are calculated by taking the total time between sunrise and sunset at a given place and then dividing this time duration by eight. Rahu Kaal is one of the eight segments of the day between sunrise and sunset. Rahu Kaal, which is also spelled as Rahu Kala, Rahu Kal, Rahu Kalam and Rahu Kalaam, is a certain amount of time every day which lasts approximately for one and half hour. Rahu Kaal is considered only for undertaking any new work and already started work can be continued during Rahu Kaal. Auspicious activities like marriage rituals, engagement, Graha Pravesh, any purchase of stocks, shares, gold, home, car and starting new business or trade are avoided during this time. People, especially in South India, give utmost importance to Rahu Kaal. to propitiate Rahu can be done during this time. However any work related to Rahu gives good results during this period. By doing so, possibility of achieving desired results is increased. Hence it is important to consider Rahu Kaal before starting any new work. If one does Puja, Hawan or Yagya during Rahu Kaal then desired results are not achieved. Doing Puja, Hawan or Yagya (यज्ञ) to propitiate auspicious planets during this time is interfered by Rahu due to its malefic nature.

During transition of planets the time under the influence of Rahu should be avoided to do any auspicious work. According to Vedic astrology Rahu is an inauspicious planet.